Reigate & Banstead 2030
Pages in Reigate & Banstead 2030
- 1. You are here: Reigate & Banstead 2030
- 2. Have your say on the next five years
Our next five years
We are developing our corporate plan for the next five years, Reigate & Banstead 2030 [link]. This sets out the Council’s vision and priorities for 2025 to 2030, explaining what we will be doing and why. The new plan will follow on from Reigate & Banstead 2025.
We will be consulting on the draft plan from 23 September to 20 November 2024 and would like to hear your views on what you would like to see in the plan. You can have your say here.
About the plan
The plan sets out a vision for a healthy, sustainable borough; and a resilient Council that enables its communities to thrive and provides support for those in need.
The plan’s themes and priorities follow from this vision:
Theme 1: Enabling our communities to thrive
- Great places to live and work
- Leisure, culture and community
- Waste, recycling and cleansing
Theme 2: Support for those in need
- Targeted support and developing communities
- Affordable housing and tackling homelessness
Theme 3: A resilient Council
- Robust governance
- The tools to do the job
- People and skills
- Connecting with people
The plan also includes draft equality objectives for the Council, which are reflected throughout the plan.
Find out more
- Read the draft plan in full - Reigate & Banstead 2030 (PDF)
- Read a short summary - the draft Plan on a Page (PDF)
- The Corporate plan - context and overview (PDF)
Developing the plan
The draft plan has been developed by looking at local context and evidence and working with residents, councillors and local partner organisations to understand what the borough’s needs are likely to be over the next five years.
- You can see more information on our early engagement in our Corporate Plan Engagement Summary (PDF)
- Read the draft consultation equality impact assessment (PDF)
Contact us
If you have any difficulties viewing any of the corporate plan documents, please contact:
- telephone: 01737 276 000
- email: