Funding for local voluntary and community organisations

Pages in Funding for local voluntary and community organisations

  1. 1. Council grants and subsidies
  2. 2. Creating Healthy Communities grants
  3. 3. Rental grant subsidy
  4. 4. In-kind support
  5. 5. You are here: Banstead Neighbourhood Fund
  6. 6. Community Transport Grants
  7. 7. Other funding sources

5. Banstead Neighbourhood Fund

In 2023, Reigate & Banstead Borough Council were asked to set up and administer the Banstead Neighbourhood Fund. The funding was provided by the Banstead Primary Care Network and the Surrey Downs Integrated Care Partnership and was made available to local Voluntary Community and Faith organisations (VCSF) to support the delivery of the Prevention and Communities Programme priorities and support health creation and build well-being.

The Banstead PCN priorities include:

  • Urgent and emergency care - Projects that prevent or reduce the burden on urgent and emergency care.
  • Ageing well - Projects that enable elderly people to remain independent and engaged in activities.
  • Prevention and Communities - Projects that work with and in local communities to address issues that are impacting on health and wellbeing.
  • Long term conditions - Activities that help prevent or reduce the impact of long-term health conditions.
  • Mental health - Projects and activities that support good mental health.

The Banstead Neighbourhood Fund made available £79,200 of funding to Voluntary and Community and Faith Sector (VCSF) organisations serving residents in the Banstead area with the aim of improving health and wellbeing. The grants aim was also to provide an excellent mechanism for sharing system wide change and developing innovation.

Eligibility criteria

As part of the eligibility Criteria VCSF organisations needed to demonstrate how they were working for the benefit of residents living in the area shown on the map below and deliver services and activities that could directly contribute towards the Banstead PCN priorities.

Map of Banstead Neighbourhood Fund



£79,200 of funding is helping support 19 VCSF organisations

Applicants for the grant funding were invited to submit an expression of interest, which was then developed into a full application, with assistance from our Community Partnerships Team.

A residents Participation Group reviewed the final applications and gave their feedback to the Banstead Prevention and Communities Board, who made the final decision on the allocation of the grant fund.

All funding has been distributed and nineteen organisations have been awarded grants between £500 and £10K to deliver projects that are working with residents across the Banstead area.

The funding period is due to finish at the end of March 2024 when all funded organisations will report on the difference they have made in our communities.