Pages in Cost of living support
- 1. How we can help you
- 2. Help with food
- 3. Help with energy bills
- 4. Paying your Council Tax
- 5. Money and debt advice
- 6. Paying your rent or mortgage
- 7. You are here: Welfare support
7. Welfare support
The rising cost of living can impact all areas of life and affect your health and wellbeing. If you’re looking for extra welfare support, there is help available:
Warm Hubs
There’s a network of Warm Hubs set up across the county to provide support to residents in these challenging times. There are nine Warm Hubs in the borough, including our community centres in Banstead, Horley and Woodhatch, which are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.
Warm Hubs are spaces where people can drop-in, get warm, have a hot drink and be in the company of other people. Very simply a place to get warm.
- For more information on where these Warm Hubs are visit
- For information about our community centres
Health and Wellbeing Hub
Surrey County Council’s online hub and community helpline can point you in the right direction for financial, health or general welfare information.
- Visit the Health and Wellbeing Hub
- Call 0300 200 1008
Healthy Surrey
The Healthy Surrey website helps you find self-care information, as well as signposting to local services available to you as a Surrey resident.
Wellbeing advisors
- Wellbeing advisors can provide free expert advice to improve your health and wellbeing.