Operating schedule
The operating schedule explains how you propose to operate the business and promote the four licensing objectives. It includes:
- What activities will take place.
- The proposed hours.
- The duration of the licence (if appropriate).
- Who the designated premises supervisor is.
- Whether alcohol will be sold, and if so whether it will be consumed on or off the premises.
- What steps you will take to promote the licensing objectives.
It should take into account the type, size, location and opening hours of the premises. You should be aware that what you write in your operating schedule will be used to produce conditions that will be attached to your licence. So, you should make sure that the steps you are suggesting are realistic and within your control. If a licence is granted with conditions attached requiring the implementation of such steps, the conditions will be enforceable in law and it will be a criminal offence to fail to comply with them.
Before completing your operating schedule we advise you consider reading our licensing policy, which gives clear guidance on our policies and expectations.
Consent of designated premises supervisor (DPS)
If you are selling alcohol you must have consent from the person who will be the designated premises supervisor who must hold a personal licence.
Every premises licensed for the sale of alcohol must have someone named as the designated premises supervisor (DPS). The DPS is responsible for the sale of alcohol at licensed premises. They also act as the main point of contact for any licensing, compliance or enforcement enquiries.
The DPS should be a person with sufficient authority to control and direct activities at the licensed premises. Normally, this is the person who has day to day responsibility for running the premises. The DPS can also be the premises licence holder. A premises licence can only name one DPS, but a DPS can be named on more than one premises licence. Please see our webpage on DPS for further information and how to apply.
Plan of the premises
The plan must be clear and legible in all respects and drawn to a scale of 1:100 (unless otherwise agreed) and must show:
- The boundary of the building, including any external and internal walls and, if different, the perimeter of the premises.
- Points of access to and egress i.e. doors.
- Location of escape routes from the premises.
- The area within the premises to be used for each licensable activity.
- Fixed structures including furniture and temporarily fixed objects, such as seating, which may affect escape routes.
- Location and height of any stage or raised area relative to the floor.
- Location of any steps, stairs, elevators or lifts.
- Location of all toilets.
- Location and type of any fire safety and other safety equipment.
- Location of a kitchen, if any, on the premises.
You can use a legend/ key to explain the symbols used on the plan.
Entitlement to work in the UK
If you are applying as an individual or partnership you must demonstrate you have the entitlement to work in the UK. The applicant needs to be satisfied that the DPS is entitled to work in the UK (no specific evidence is required to be provided in the application). Please see the link below for further information on what documentation is sufficient to demonstrate your entitlement.
Entitlement to work in UK can be found in Annex A of the Section 182 Guidance Document (Gov.UK), issued by the Home Office.
Advertise the application
You must advertise your application at the premises by displaying a notice(s) printed on blue paper where it can be easily seen from the outside of the premises during the 28-day consultation period. A copy of the notice along with photographs showing its display location at the premises should be forwarded to us.
A notice must also be published in a local newspaper on at least one occasion during the period of ten working days starting on the day after the day on which the application was given. A copy of the newspaper advertisement should be forwarded to us.
- Guidance on notices and suggested template (PDF) (read only)
- Guidance on notices and suggested template (Word) (Word version so that the necessary information can be inserted)
Notifying responsible authorities
The Licensing Authority will provide a full copy of the application and all the accompanying documents to each of the responsible authorities (for example the Police and Fire Brigade).