Pages in My sustainable home
- 1. Energy
- 2. Water
- 3. Waste
- 4. You are here: Green spaces
- 5. Construction
- 6. Adaptation and mitigation in the home
- 7. Solar Together
- 8. Great British Insulation Scheme
4. Green spaces
Did you know almost 90% of wild plants and 75% of leading global crops depend on animal pollination? (Source World Wildlife Fund)
If you have your own green space – be it a back garden, front garden or window box – there are things you can do to help the environment and support biodiversity.
- Become a green gardener – this advice from the National Trust tells you how to garden in a way that is good for the environment, from growing your own organic veg to attracting wildlife
- Create wildlife habitats - the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds has some great ideas for creating wildlife habits, while the Royal Horticultural Society can advise on the best native and pollinator species to plant (if you’re wondering why pollinators are important, this BBC article is useful)
- Plant a tree - If you have the space, Friends of the Earth explain why trees are so wonderful
- Go organic – some herbicides and pesticides are very damaging to the environment, and the Soil Association tells us why
Did you know, although Surrey is a leafy borough, woodland cover in the UK is one of the lowest in Europe, with one-third of all woodland wildlife species in decline and one in 10 at risk of extinction? (Source Woodland Trust)