Pages in My sustainable home

  1. 1. Energy
  2. 2. You are here: Water
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  6. 6. Adaptation and mitigation in the home
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  8. 8. Great British Insulation Scheme

2. Water

Did you know each person in England uses about 143 litres of water each day? That’s enough water for more than 400 mugs of tea? (Source:

Reducing water consumption

Being as efficient with our use of water as possible is good for the planet and it's good for our pockets too.

It might not seem that water is so precious in England, especially with all the rain, but there can still be supply shortages, expensive bills and carbon emissions arising from the supply of water to our homes. In fact, the Environment Agency has classified the South East of England as a water-stressed area. 

According to SES Water, the average person in the South East uses about 150 litres of water each day - 7 litres more than the UK average.

Here are some simple steps you can take to reduce your water consumption at home:

  • Take short showers instead of baths where possible
  • Turn the tap off when you’re brushing your teeth
  • Only turn on the dishwasher or washing machine when they are full
  • Recycle sink or bathwater (sometimes called grey water) for gardening – and use a water can instead of a hose

Here are some practical steps you can take with a small investment:

  • Swap your shower head for a more water-efficient one
  • Use flow restrictors on taps
  • Put a water butt in the garden to collect rainwater for gardening - subsidies on water butts are available from SES Water.
  • Use a cistern displacer in your toilet

You can use SES Water's GetWaterFit calculator to order free water saving devices (including showerheads, shower regulators, tap inserts, water retaining gel, shower timers and cistern displacement devices), arrange a water-saving visit and even complete water saving challenges.

SES Water customers can also request a free leak repair from either by using the GetWaterFit calculator or calling SES Water directly.

For more water saving advice and ideas visit:

If you’re considering a building project for your home, visit the Construction page for more ideas about water saving

Did you know showers are the biggest water use in the home (25%), followed by toilets (22%)? (Source: At Home with Water from the Energy Saving Trust