Published Friday, 10th February 2023
Detailed designs for improvements to Horley High Street and subway have gone on display at Horley Library, along with new designs for enhancements to Central Car Park, on show for the first time.
The designs are the next stage in Reigate & Banstead Borough Council’s project to help the town centre work better for local people, make it more attractive and boost the local economy. The latest proposals follow feedback from two previous sets of engagement with residents, businesses, visitors and local groups in 2022.
The display can be viewed at Horley Library in Russell Square, Victoria Road until 13 March and online on the Horley High Street, subway and Central car park improvement plans page.
Safer, greener town centre
The plans will create a safer and greener town centre that reduces the dominance of the car and provides more space for people to enjoy. The proposals show wider footpaths and new and improved crossings to improve pedestrian safety, areas for seating, new planting and street trees. New pavements will link to the current precinct and run to the end of the High Street and Yattendon Road. The extra space created will allow space for outside seating for businesses, as well as for events.
At the same time, some of the existing and damaged seats in the precinct will be replaced, along with new planters.
A dedicated contra-flow cycle lane for cyclists travelling towards the precinct will make cycling easier and safer. A short stretch of the High Street from Albert Road to Consort Way East will become one-way for vehicles to allow for the changes.
Subway improvements
The first phase of improvements to the subway will tackle its drainage issues, including a new pumping system. The proposals have been agreed with Network Rail, who own the subway, and they have appointed a contractor to carry out the works this year.
Artist impressions of the subway refurbishment show how the entrance with existing ramp new steps and planting will provide easier access for pedestrians, cyclists and people with disabilities and make it feel more welcoming. The Council is working with Network Rail to develop the plans, more details of which will centreal be shared later in spring.
Central car park plans
Visitors will also be able to see the Council’s developing proposals to improve its Central Car Park, with enhancements to its look and feel and new electric vehicle charging points. There will also be a better connection to the town centre with a new crossing to Diana Walk. The proposals should be delivered ahead of the High Street and subway works.
Meeting changing local needs
Cllr Richard Biggs, Executive Member for Planning Policy and Place Delivery, said: “Thank you to everyone who has fed into the proposals for Horley High Street and subway so far. Your feedback has been important in helping us to develop the latest designs.
“Our aim with these projects is to create a more welcoming, safer town centre to better meet changing local needs and bring benefits to local businesses, the local economy and the health and wellbeing of our residents.
“Do come along to Horley Library to see what’s planned, and I hope you will welcome these positive changes for our town.”
Horley Town Council’s Town Mayor and Council Chairman, Cllr Samantha Marshall said: “Horley Town Council is very pleased to hear about the next stage of public participation on the detailed designs for the Horley High Street public realm along with subway improvements and enhancements to the Central Car Park. We note that these have been shaped by feedback received from the two previous rounds of public engagement last year and we encourage residents to participate in this further one and to share their views on the proposals.
"These regeneration projects are vital for the economic growth of our town through sustainable urban development; to promote social change and inclusion; and to ensure that the whole of the Horley community has every opportunity for a good quality of life for themselves and future generations.”
More information
To find out more and see the latest plans see the Delivering Change in Horley webpages