Now that you have submitted your planning application the Council is required by law to follow set procedures:

  1. The application is registered.
  2. Letters are sent to neighbours most likely to be affected by the application.
  3. The views of other relevant bodies (e.g. the Highway Authority) are also sought.
  4. The site is inspected by one of our planning officers.
  5. The proposal is assessed against Government guidance and Council Policy.
  6. Other material considerations, such as the effect on neighbours, or highway safety are
    also considered.
  7. The Council may seek amendments to the original application.
  8. Permission is granted (with or without conditions) or refused.
  9. If planning permission is refused, or decision not reached within the statutory period (or agreed extension of time) then an appeal may be made to the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government (see Planning appeals link below).


Information on What happens after a planning submission