Published Tuesday, 1st June 2021
An incredible 700 people in the borough of Reigate & Banstead volunteered at some point in the past year to help the local communities respond to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today, at the start of national Volunteers’ Week, the Council is launching its newly branded Reigate & Banstead Volunteer Awards to celebrate the role of the borough’s many volunteers and show appreciation for their time and commitment to helping others.
Individuals and teams can be nominated in five categories, including a brand-new Crisis Response Volunteer category, to recognise those individuals who supported the local community to ensure vital services and support, such as food, medicine and calls to vulnerable residents, were delivered to members of the community during the pandemic.
Mayor of Reigate & Banstead, Cllr Jill Bray, said: “Never has volunteering been more important than it is now. It’s thanks to the selfless contributions from many individuals in our borough that our most vulnerable communities have felt supported and looked after in some of the most challenging of circumstances.”
The annual award scheme, now in its eighteenth year, was set up to recognise the unrewarded heroes who do a great amount of valuable work for the borough and its community and to show appreciation for their selfless service. The scheme is organised by Reigate & Banstead Borough Council in partnership with Voluntary Action Reigate and Banstead (VARB) and were previously called the Mayor’s Volunteer Awards.
Alisdair Semple, Trustee of VARB, said: "In our charity's 25-year history, we have not seen anything like the multi-generational response to help and support those most in need that we've seen in the past year.
“What an incredible time to shine a spotlight on those that served, to note something of their contributions and to celebrate the silver-linings of generosity and kindness under pressure that have been shown by so many.”
For details about the award categories and to nominate, visit our Reigate & Banstead Volunteer Awards page.
For further information, email the Mayor's Office. You can also contact VARB by email or by calling 01737 763156.
The closing date for nominations is Wednesday 30 June 2021. Successful nominees will be invited to a special awards ceremony in September, subject to Government guidelines at the time.
In honour of Volunteers Week (1-7 June), the Council will be thanking volunteers on our social media channels and the Mayor will be attending a virtual event on Wednesday 2 June, organised by Reigate and Redhill u3a, in collaboration with VARB, Age Concern Banstead and the Council, to celebrate the contribution of volunteers to the community.