Published Wednesday, 6th January 2021
A statement from Councillor Mark Brunt, Leader of Reigate & Banstead Borough Council.
As you will no doubt be very aware, the Prime Minister has announced a national lockdown effective from Tuesday 5 January.
This is not the start to 2021 any of us were hoping for and I know how relentless these new restrictions will once again feel - especially for parents with school aged children once again trying to support home learning, in addition to numerous other responsibilities. However, unfortunately it is necessary.
New variant
The new COVID-19 variant has caused an alarming rise in infection levels across Surrey, including Reigate & Banstead. Our hospitals are under immense strain and are already having to prioritise how they provide care. We cannot let the infection rate continue to rocket at this speed.
I know the majority of you have been following the rules over the past year and I am enormously grateful for that. Please know that by continuing to do the right thing, you are making a huge difference to your community.
But, collectively we need to work together to reduce our social contacts even further. I understand it can be tempting to make small exceptions here and there, but every human contact comes with risk – especially as up to a third of people can have the virus without knowing.
I cannot stress enough how essential it is that everyone plays their part.
We must remember that hope is on the horizon. Vaccines promise a better future – if we can just get through the next few months.
We are already seeing the successful roll out of the vaccination programme across Surrey and are making great progress with protecting the first cohort - the over 80s. It is important to note that the NHS will contact you when it’s your turn to be vaccinated. Please be patient and do not call your GP, local pharmacy or hospital for information.
Council services
During this lockdown period, we continue to work very hard to run essential council services as normal and will notify you of any changes on the Coronavirus pages of our website. Please also use these pages to access any information and help you might need - from emergency food and medication to support with feeling lonely or isolated. Please do not suffer alone.
Finally, thank you once again for your continued efforts to win the fight against this deadly virus. We know there are brighter times ahead but until then, please stay safe, please follow the restrictions and help protect yourself, your loved ones, and our community.