Published Tuesday, 5th January 2021
2020 was a tough year for sport, let’s kick off 2021 with a bang! Nominations are now open for the annual Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Sports Awards 2021
Nominations are now open for the Reigate & Banstead Borough Council Sports Awards 2021, celebrating the success of sports people, teams, clubs and coaches from across the borough.
The annual awards are an opportunity to highlight the brilliant achievements of those who have made an invaluable contribution to sport. This year’s categories have been redesigned to give special recognition to those who have been committed to keeping residents of all ages active and mentally fit throughout the pandemic.
The categories cover a broad range of individual and group awards. Residents of the borough who would like to nominate their exceptional person or team should read the criteria and fill in the nomination form for one of the eight following categories:
- Community Champion of the Year
- Young Community Champion of the Year
- Tackling Inequality Award
- Young Sports Person of the Year
- Coach of the Year
- Club of the Year
- Team of the Year
- Junior Team of the Year
Cllr Alex Horwood, Executive Member for Leisure and Culture, said: “The annual awards recognise outstanding achievements in sport from participation through to coaching and volunteering. This year’s awards are made even more special because they recognise the very essential role that sport can play in our lives, helping to keep people mentally and physically fit. Many sports clubs and people across our borough have been committed to using sport to help residents through this pandemic, and these awards are a brilliant opportunity to thank them and highlight their achievements to the whole community.”
Between 1 September 2019 to 1 January 2021, were you inspired by a local athlete? Motivated by a coach? Impressed by a volunteer? Proud of your club? The awards nomination form is quick and easy to complete and free to enter. Please complete your form by the nominations’ deadline on Sunday 31 January 2021.
All nominations will be considered and short-listed between 1st – 5th February by an independent panel of judges. Successful nominees will be informed on 8th February and will be invited to share their success with the community at a special virtual awards evening on 25th February.