Published Thursday, 27th August 2020
Residents and visitors are being asked to share their views on the renewing of Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO) used to control the behaviour of dogs in the borough’s parks and green spaces.
Many of the orders have already been in place for three years. Prior to this, some were known as Dog Control Orders (DCO). The renewal of the PSPOs must now be consulted on before the Council can decide whether to renew them. There are currently over 90 specific orders in place across the borough’s parks and green spaces due for review, as well as some new ones.
The month-long consultation opening on the 27 August aims to gather feedback from the many different types of park and green space users about the orders. In line with the legislation, the Council would like to hear what park users think of the current orders and whether they should be continued, changed or stopped.
The existing orders already in place cover issues such as:
- fouling of land by dogs - it is an offence to fail to remove dog faeces deposited by a dog under your control
- dogs on leads - it is an offence not to keep a dog under your control on a lead in an area designated as a dogs on leads area
- maximum number of dogs to be walked order - it is an offence to have more than six dogs under your control at any one time
- dog exclusion areas, i.e. playgrounds, tennis courts and Multi Use Game Areas (MUGAs).
The Public Space Protection Orders give enforcement officers the powers to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPN) to anyone they reasonably believe is in breach of the PSPO. A Council or police officer will ask a person to stop and explain the issue, if they do not stop, they may be issued with an FPN. If unpaid, the Council or police may take the matter up with the courts.
Cllr Mrs Natalie Bramhall, Executive Member for Neighbourhood Services, said: “Our parks are well used and loved by residents and visitors to the borough. It’s therefore important that we consider the views of all who use them – both those who have dogs and those who don’t - and help them remain enjoyable spaces for everyone to enjoy. Please take part to tell us what you think.”
Share your views
The consultation is aimed at people who use the borough’s outdoor spaces, including grass verges and in particular parks and commons. Reigate & Banstead Borough Council want to hear the views of as many people as possible, including visitors who come into the borough to use the parks.
How to get involved?
Residents are encouraged to read the information for their chosen park or green space before taking part in the survey.
Please follow the link to answer questions and leave comments on parks and green spaces of personal interest:
What happens next?
The consultation closes on 26 September 2020. The responses to the surveys will be gathered along with other evidence from the Council’s Greenspaces team, Joint Enforcement Team and other relevant officers. It will also review evidence from the police and other local partner organisations. Based on all of this, Council officers will make a recommendation to Councillors who will decide whether to renew or amend each of the PSPOs. Results of the consultation, and the decisions that follow, will be published on the Council’s website.