Published Wednesday, 18th January 2017
Young people with a passion for dancing, singing or acting are invited to take part in auditions for this year's show.
The workshop-style auditions for Star for a Night will take place on Sunday 29 January at the Harlequin Theatre, Redhill and are open to young people aged 11 to 18. The workshop format means that young people will be put in groups to audition, rather than individually, making it a more relaxed environment. The show needs musicians and bands too although they do not need to attend on 29 January. Star for a Night is organised by Reigate & Banstead and, for 2017, in partnership with the Reigate School of Ballet and Commerical Dance.
Variety show
Star for a Night is the Council’s annual variety show for young people, offering them the chance to take advantage of nine weeks of free expert tuition and the opportunity to perform live on stage at the Harlequin Theatre in the final shows.
“We are looking for as many young people as possible who enjoy any aspect of performing arts: dancers of all styles, singers and actors. If that applies to you or a young person you know, please come to an audition on 29 January. If you’re in a band or play a musical instrument, contact our leisure team to get involved. The show is an amazing opportunity to gain excellent stage experience and have a great time,” says Councillor Ros Mill, Reigate & Banstead’s Executive Member for Leisure and Wellbeing. “We’re very pleased to have the Reigate School of Ballet and Commercial Dance on board for the first time this year. They bring substantial experience in working with young people to put on professional quality shows which audiences love.”
Audition details
Auditions are organised according to participants’ age groups: 11 to 13 year olds and 14 to 18 year olds. All participants will learn a short routine and then perform it in a group. Full details are on the Council’s Star for a Night webpages. There is no need for musicians or bands to audition. Instead, they should email leisure services to register their interest.
Gareth Jones from Reigate School of Ballet says: “We’re excited to be collaborating with Reigate & Banstead on Star for a Night this year and looking forward to working with lots of enthusiastic and energetic young people. The performers will benefit greatly from the experience of taking part in the rehearsals and shows.”
To take part, you must be at least 11 years old by 6 April and live or go to school in the borough of Reigate & Banstead. Participants will also need to be available to take part in rehearsals over the spring and the final shows on Thursday 6 April. All performers will be in with the chance of winning a one year scholarship or a recording session at a professional recording studio.