Planning enforcement

Pages in Planning enforcement

  1. 1. About planning enforcement
  2. 2. What is a planning breach?
  3. 3. You are here: Making a planning breach complaint
  4. 4. Action following a planning breach complaint
  5. 5. How long does enforcement action take?

3. Making a planning breach complaint

Reporting a planning breach

When reporting a possible breach it is important to submit as much information as possible, together with photographs if appropriate.

This information should include:

  • the date the activity/building work started
  • the exact address of the site and the location of the activity/building on the land (a sketch plan is often helpful);
  • details of the alleged contravener;
  • details of the nature of the activity including number of vehicular movements/vehicle registration numbers; and
  • details of the effect that the alleged breach is having upon your amenities e.g. noise, traffic, smells, overshadowing, out of character with the area.

You can report a planning breach using an online form.  

Report a Planning breach

Alternatively you can provide the information in writing.

In many cases the assistance of the public can be crucial to the success of enforcement action.

Firstly Council officers cannot continually monitor sites.

Accordingly, the Council relies upon the public, residents associations and amenity societies to report breaches of planning control.

Through all stages of the enforcement process, the public’s knowledge of a site can usefully supplement that held on Council records.

How to complain about an alleged breach

If you wish to make a complaint then it is vital that we have your full details - name, address, home number - in order that we can contact you to inform you of the progress of the investigation or to seek additional information from you.

An anonymous complaint will not be investigated.

Remember, our enforcement files are confidential. However if formal action is taken it may not be possible to keep your complaint confidential.

If an appeal is lodged against an enforcement notice or other notice or if a planning application is submitted, we will notify anyone who informed us of the matter and ask if they wish to submit additional information or appear at an inquiry/hearing to support the Council’s case.

Please remember that the strength of local support can be crucial to the Council’s case. However you should remember that at this point any representations you make will become available for public inspection, including inspection by the site owner, appellant and any legal representatives.

We will acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days of its receipt, and advise you of the complaint priority, reference number and the investigation case officer.

The case officer will act as your point of contact and will endeavour to keep you informed of the progress and outcome of the case, although you may wish to telephone and enquire about progress of the case.