Club Premises Certificate

Pages in Club Premises Certificate

  1. 1. Club Premise licence requirements
  2. 2. Application advice and further information
  3. 3. You are here: Apply for Club Premises Certificate
  4. 4. Fees and advice

3. Apply for Club Premises Certificate

Club Premise Certificate Application

Click on the green button below to begin your application. Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the information on this page as it is designed to assist you with your application. Please note there is no provision to save your application midway through. 

Apply for a new club premises certificate 

Once you have submitted your application you must advertise your application at the premises and in a local newspaper. Further information is provided further down this page. 

What happens next

There has to be a 28-day public consultation period for anyone to make a representation.

You have to:

  • put a notice on your premises within 24 hours for the consultation period explaining your application.
  • publish an advertisement notice within 10 days in the local press.

People and authorities may contact us to make representations about the application. These are statements supporting or opposing the application, and inform the decision we make. The Council will send copies of your application to the responsible authorities. 

If we don't receive any representations within the 28-day consultation, we will grant the application.

If we do receive any representations, we will hold a review to make a decision. A licensing officer will contact you to tell you more about this should it occur.

Any new certificate will remain in force indefinitely (e.g. unless surrendered or revoked etc). There will be an annual fee for your certificate which will be payable on the anniversary of the date of grant of your certificate.

Will Tacit Consent apply?

Yes. This means that you will be able to act as though your application is granted if you have not heard from us at the end of 28 days consulting period. 

Where tacit consent is applicable, it will only apply for licences / registrations that are submitted electronically, or the business can show proof of delivery from a post office or recognised courier.