After you apply for planning permission: step-by-step guide
Pages in After you apply for planning permission: step-by-step guide
- 1. After you apply for planning permission
- 2. Step 1 - The application is registered
- 3. Step 2 - Letters are sent to neighbours most likely to be affected by the application
- 4. Step 3 - The views of other relevant bodies are also sought
- 5. Step 4 - The site is inspected
- 6. Step 5 - The application is assessed against Government guidance and Council policy
- 7. Step 6 - Other material considerations, such as the effect on neighbours, or highway safety are also considered
- 8. Step 7 - The Council may negotiate amendments to the application.
- 9. Step 8 - Permission is granted (with or without conditions) or refused
- 10. Step 9 - Building Control
- 11. You are here: Monitoring development
11. Monitoring development
The enforcement team, with the assistance of development management staff, undertake monitoring of on-going development. However, it is very important that those who obtain and implement a planning permission take full responsibility for compliance with that permission both in respect of compliance with the approved plans and any imposed planning conditions.
A valid commencement of a planning permission can only take place if the following steps have been undertaken:
- firstly, full discharge of all pre-commencement conditions, i.e. those conditions requiring something to be done before development works commence
- then, commence building work on the ground which is in accordance with the approved plans, before the expiry date of the permission.
If development proceeds without complying with the above then this will render the permission invalid and the whole development would be unauthorised which clearly has serious implications, and could result in enforcement action being taken.
It is also very important that any amendments to the approved scheme are notified to the planning case officer for the original application. This will allow discussion about the amendments and advice can be given on the need for further approval prior to work commencing.
Some revisions may be such that can be considered either as a non-material or minor material amendment. Other more significant changes may require the submission of a new application for full permission.
Further information and guidance regarding amendments is available on the Post planning decision amendments page.
Non-compliance with Planning Conditions
Where conditions imposed on a planning permission have not been complied with, the developer/applicant will be requested to comply with the requirements of the permission. Failure to do so may ultimately result in the issuing of a Breach of Condition Notice or an Enforcement Notice, depending on the circumstances.
The council has produced further information in the form of flow diagrams to illustrate and confirm the responsibilities of an applicant or developer in complying with the terms and conditions of a permission. If you have received planning permission for a development, please familiarise yourself with the decision notice and this guidance before commencing any works on site.
A copy of the Discharging Condition Checklist Diagram and the Developer Responsibilities Diagram are available below.
Further information about the Council’s enforcement role is available on the about planning enforcement page.