Equality Objectives Annual Report 2023

Pages in Equality Objectives Annual Report 2023

  1. 1. Introduction
  2. 2. Equality Objective 1: Using data and local intelligence better
  3. 3. Equality Objective 2: Supporting good community relations
  4. 4. Equality Objective 3: Accessible information and services
  5. 5. You are here: Equality Objective 4: Working for the Council

5. Equality Objective 4: Working for the Council

The focus of this objective is to continue to seek opportunities to build inclusivity into the Council’s internal policies and procedures.

Areas of activity

A) Reviewing – and as necessary updating – relevant internal policies and procedures

Corporate Equality Policy

Following a review in 2020, the Council’s Corporate Equality Policy was updated to ensure it remained fit for purpose and properly reflected the Councils duties and obligations. This process was supported by consultation with Unions and the Staff Association as well as the Council’s Corporate Governance Group. This Corporate Equality Policy has remained current in 2022/23, and is available on the Council’s intranet and external-facing website.

Equality Impact Assessment template

Similarly to the Corporate Equality Policy, the Council’s Equality Impact Assessment template was updated in 2020. The template supports the completion of Equality Impact Assessments, which ensure Council services and decisions take account of equality considerations. As identified in the 2020 report, the updates included making the template more user friendly, including better signposting to equality information and data sources, including more emphasis on opportunities to taking a proactive approach to ensuring equality of opportunity, and enabling consideration of impact on all vulnerable residents (not just those with protected characteristics). The template has remained current in 2021 and is used to support the Council’s formal decision-making process and project management approach.

As well as signposting to external sources, we also provide an annual summary of both borough and workforce equality characteristics to help provide an overview for informing impact assessments. These are available via the Council’s Equality web page, at: Equality | Equality | Reigate and Banstead (reigate-banstead.gov.uk)

B) Reviewing – and as necessary updating – resources and training for staff, and member learning and development resources, in relation to equalities issues

Resources and training for staff

The Council’s intranet was updated with additional and clearer information on equality, diversity and inclusion in 2020. Additional updates on related material have been provided throughout the year, including Census findings, consultations, and topics and events of interest. Resources available to staff include the Corporate Equality Policy, the Council’s Equality Objectives, and borough and workforce equality information. The intranet pages were also updated to include better signposting to an expanded range of training and learning opportunities, and external resources providing more information and guidance. This information has remained current, and these pages have been maintained in 2022/23.

A briefing for staff on the findings of the 2021 Census was conducted in March 2023, and included both material on the general uses of the information, and specific elements on how it can be used to inform and support work with regard to equality and accessibility. A recording of the briefing is also available for staff to access on the Council’s intranet pages.

Member learning and development

Training on equality, diversity and inclusion is available and encouraged for elected Members each year, supported and facilitated by the Local Government Association (LGA). Additional information is also readily available through the Council and the LGA. The most recent workshop was held in January 2022, and included information on a range of topics, including common challenges faced by Councils, public sector equality duties, and addressing any systematic issues to create an inclusive Council. Following the recent elections, the next training session is due to be held in September 2023.

Training and information is also made available to all new Members as part of the induction process, with additional training on employment law available, and required for those serving on the Council’s Employment Committee.

Support for Council staff

The Council recognises that its staff may also sometimes face equality or accessibility issues or be in need of support. In addition to the organisation’s Corporate Equality Policy and Human Resources support, the Council is expanding its health and wellbeing offer for staff, to help maintain and promote the wellbeing of its employees. Whilst covering a broader range of content than equality, diversity and inclusion, these can form important parts of an individual’s wellbeing situation and what the strategy works to address. The Council also operates an employee assistance programme where staff can access free, confidential advice and support. This programme can help assist staff facing challenges, whether those might be related to finances, mental health, or other personal circumstances.

Future focus

The Council’s internal policies and procedures remain up to date, and will continue to be implemented across the organisation throughout 2023. Where new information or guidance emerges, they will be reviewed and updated as appropriate. Signposting to supporting information and data will be updated as new material becomes available.

Training for Council officers and elected Members will continue to be maintained and refreshed throughout the year. Additional resources will be made available in specific areas, such as the continued expansion of website accessibility training. As with the Council’s policies and procedures, training and resources will be updated as appropriate in response to new regulations, guidance or information, and feedback from ongoing training and engagement will help to inform and shape future activities.