Housing benefits payments dates

Check your dates online

The council tax and benefits checker allows you to check the details of your own payments online.

Housing benefit payment is made in arrears

Once your Housing Benefit has been assessed you will receive your money either every two weeks in arrears or four weeks in arrears.

This means that you will have to have had an active benefit claim for two or four weeks before you receive any money. Housing Benefit Payments cannot be paid in advance.

Payments made two weeks in arrears - private

If you are a private tenant (renting from a letting agent or direct from the owner) you will receive benefit payments every two weeks in arrears. Benefit payments are generally made directly to you via your nominated bank or building society account.

Your Landlord or his Agent has the right to ask for payments to go directly to themselves if you fall more than eight weeks in arrears. If they can prove you have these arrears we have a legal duty to pay them directly.

Payments made four weeks in arrears - housing association

If you are renting your home from a housing association or social landlord, usually we will pay them directly every four weeks in arrears.

You can ask for payments to go directly to yourself (every two weeks in arrears) but most Housing Associations prefer to have payments go directly to them.

Vulnerable claimants in private accommodation

If you or your representative feels you are vulnerable, benefit can be paid to the landlord. Any request for payments to be made to the landlord will need to be supported by a third party like a social worker or a GP.