The following document downloads are available for download. Downloads in PDF format can be read using Adobe Reader. MS Word and Powerpoint files can be read by using their respective applications or any alternatives.

Available downloads

DMSA Issues and Options Consultation Document

Inspector's Report

Core Strategy Monitoring Framework

Housing evidence

Horley Design Guide SPD

Horley Shopfront Design SPG

Horley Town Centre SPD

Horse Keeping SPG

Householder Extensions and Alterations SPG

Merstham Estate Local Centre Planning Framework

Preston Planning Framework

Reigate and Banstead flood maps May 2012

Core Strategy Sequential Test of flood risk for proposed development locations (April 2012)

PPG17 Open Space, Sport and Recreation Assessment

Neighbourhood Development Plans - Frequently Asked Questions 2012

Neighbourhood Planning in Tadworth

Environment and Sustainability Monitor

DMP Interactive map instructions

Area Fact Sheets

Statement of Availability and Representations Procedure

Comments Form

Public Footpath 369C Horley - TCPA Diversion Order

Gypsy, Traveller, and Travelling Showpeople Accommodation

SD35n - Appendix 14: Cemeteries

Heritage Strategy


Examination Evidence


RBBC Examination Documents list

Examination Evidence

List of Submission Documents

List of Submission Documents

List of Submitted Documents (18 May 2018, amended 09 October 2018)

CD4a: Habitat Regulation Assessment (Updated 12/10/2018)

ID-6 Inspector’s Post Hearing Advice Note


Local Development Scheme revised February 2019

Inspector's Report

Appendix to Inspector's Report - Main Modifications

CIL Local Fund Project Suggestion Form

Development Management Plan

Development Management Plan Adoption Statement

Sustainability Appraisal Adoption Statement

DMP Inspector's Report

Appendix to Inspector's Report - Main Modifications

DMP Parking Standards Calculator

DMP Policies Map - North

DMP Policies Map - Central

DMP Policies Map - South

DMP Policies Map - Inset Maps

Schedule of Additional Minor Modifications

RBBC Responses

Housing Needs Technical Papers

Affordable Housing Policy Evidence

Housing for Older People

Housing Density


Housing Mix

Housing Standards Justification

Local Economic Needs Assessment Update

Labour Market Data

Strategic Employment Site: Economic Assessment Study

Retail and Leisure Needs Assessment

Local Centres

Town Centres

Retail Threshold Impact Study

Retail Warehouse Areas

Hotel and Guest Accommodation Study

Infrastructure Needs Evidence

Cemetery and Crematorium Needs

Infrastructure Delivery Plan

Transport Assessment

Strategic Highways Assessment

Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Strategic Environmental Assessment for Supplementary Planning Policy

Habitats Regulations Assessment

Green Infrastructure Strategy

Urban Open Space Assessment and Review

Landscape and Visual Appraisal

Horley Open Space Needs Assessment

Heritage Impact Assessment

Self-Build Advisory Note

Revised SPDs Adopted since June 2020

Local Character and Distinctiveness Design Guide SPD - Draft for Consultation

Initial Consultation Statement - Local Character and Distinctiveness Design Guide SPD

Project Suggestion Form

Housing Monitor 2022 Erratum October 2022

CIL Local Fund Project Bid Form

Sub-categories of Planning policy