Fees and charges policy for licenced mobile home sites

Pages in Fees and charges policy for licenced mobile home sites

  1. 1. Scope and introduction
  2. 2. The Licence Fee Structure and Review
  3. 3. You are here: Fee policy and payment of fees
  4. 4. Other charges

3. Fee policy and payment of fees

Publishing the Fee Policy

The fees policy for licensing of residential park home sites will be published on the Council’s website.

If the Council revises its fees policy, it will replace the published policy with the revised policy. Please contact us to arrange to view the document during normal office hours.

Payment of Fees

The Council requires payment of fees for applications for a new site licence, and for applications to vary or transfer a site licence and for inclusion on the Fit and Proper Person register. The Council will not start processing any applications until such time as the correct fee is received. Application fees may be paid by credit or debit card or upon request, by invoice.

Application fees are non-refundable if the application is not approved.

Annual fees will become due on the 1st April each year and will be invoiced.

Where a site licence annual fee becomes overdue for payment, the Council may apply to the First-tier Tribunal (Property Chamber) for an order requiring the licence holder to pay the Council the amount due by the date specified in the order. If the licence holder has still not paid the fee within three months from the date specified in the order, the Council may apply to the Tribunal for an order revoking the site licence.

Payment of the FPPT annual fee is a condition of entry on the register of FPP. Failure to pay the FPPT annual fee will be a breach of the condition and if convicted the site owner could face an unlimited fine.