Pollution Alert Service for residents with respiratory problems

Free service warning of pollution levels capable of affecting health.





While pollution levels within Reigate & Banstead are generally quite low, occasionally (20 to 50 times per year) pollution levels are reached that are capable of causing short term health problems for people with pre existing respiratory problems such as severe asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema or more generally chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

These elevated pollution levels occur borough wide with some of the highest levels in the more rural parts of the borough, especially in the summer months.

The main pollutant of concern during these elevated pollution periods is ground level ozone, and occasionally particulate pollution known as PM10.

In order to alert residents with respiratory problems when these problematic levels of pollution are likely to occur, the council operates a pollution warning service (airAlert) in conjunction with four other local authorities in East Surrey and Surrey County Council.

The service informs users 24 hours in advance of elevated pollution events, either by a recorded telephone message, text to a mobile phone, or via email, to help users manage their condition more effectively.

The service is free and users can subscribe and unsubscribe at anytime.

If you would like to sign up for the service see the East Surrey airAlert Website and select ‘Register Now’ at the top of the page.

For further information see the airAlert health advice page and registration leaflet (airAlert.info website).

Outside our borough

If you work outside the borough you may be interested in a similar service offered by Sussex and also the London local authorities:


If you have any questions on the airAlert service please call on 01737 276 403 or email airalert@reigate-banstead.gov.uk.