Planning application forms to download

Pages in Planning application forms to download

  1. 1. You are here: Planning application forms to download
  2. 2. Full list of available planning application forms

Planning application forms which you can download, print off and post to the council. Before you fill in a paper form, we strongly recommend that you make your planning application online: submit a planning application online.

Planning application forms

Full list of available planning application forms (LINK)

Please provide:

  • one copy of application forms, supporting documents and plans for householder applications, listed building consent and lawful development certificates and
  • two copies for all other types of applications
  • dated and numbered drawings and plans with any revised versions identified

Please note: we will validate all applications against the Local Validation list.

Community infrastructure levy (CIL)

For more information about CIL and how it may affect your development, see our CIL page or the Planning Portal website.

Postal address:

Print off your required form/s, complete the relevant sections and post them to:

Planning Applications Support Team
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council
Town Hall
Castlefield Road