Citizens Access - business rates
Citizens Access - your way to check business rate billing or find the rateable value of a business rates property.
Business Rates
- Check up-to-date account information
- Check your balance, payments and bills
- View your account activity
- Make a business rates payment
- Download a copy bill or recovery notice
Register to use Citizens Access
Sign in to an existing Citizens Access account for business rates, register for a Citizens Access account for business rates or find the rateable value of a business rates property:
Citizens access for business rates
Note: If you are registering for the first time for a Citizens Access account, please be ready with your business rates account number which you can find on your business rates bill or recovery notice. You will also be asked two of the following for security questions.
- What is your online reference? - you can find this on your bill or recovery notice
- What is your current postcode?
- What are the last three digits of a telephone number we hold for you?
- What are the last three digits of a bank account number we hold for you?