I have been served with a notice to leave my home by my landlord

Pages in I have been served with a notice to leave my home by my landlord

  1. 1. You are here: I have been served with a notice to leave my home by my landlord
  2. 2. Section 21 eviction
  3. 3. Section 8 eviction

If your landlord has given you notice and asked you to leave the property, they have most likely served you with either a Section 21 notice or Section 8 notice. 

  • Section 21 notice - a formal notice issued by your landlord for you to leave the property. It is considered a mandatory possession.
  • Section 8 notice - a formal notice issued by your landlord for you to leave the property due to a breach of the tenancy.

In both cases, do not ignore the situation. You should contact your landlord immediately to try and seek a resolution.

Please remember: You are expected to be responsible for actively searching for your own housing solution.


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