Public Register - Pollution Permitting (PPC)

The council is required to maintain a public register in connection with its own Part A2 and Part B activities under the Pollution Prevention Control Act 1999.

Please note any requests for further or detailed information may fall under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, and a charge may be applicable for providing said further information as an official Environmental Information Request please note details of any new applications duly made will be entered as pending at the rear of our register with instructions on how to get in touch to make any comments.

Part A1 Activities

This covers the largest activities known as A1 installations which are regulated by the Environment Agency, e.g. power stations. Details of these activities and the public register is available through the Environment Agency website.

List of Part A1 Activities

Part A2 Activities

There are currently no Part A2 processes within the Borough of Reigate & Banstead that we formally administer/ permit.

Part B Activities

Part B activities within the Borough of Reigate and Banstead are listed via the link below, the list is regularly reviewed to ensure it remains up-to-date.

List Part B Activities

Should you need further information please email

Current Applications

There are currently no active applications.