Contaminated land and planning

The Contaminated Land Officer in Environmental Health is a Statutory Consultee to the Local Planning Authority (LPA). The Contaminated Land Officer reviews planning applications and uses the council's databases to determine if a contaminated land related planning condition should be recommended to the LPA or not. The majority of the time, should a condition be required, a standard condition would be used. However, from time to time a bespoke condition specific to a site could be used.

Contaminated land planning guidance

We recommend that applicants and their consultants familiarise themselves with the contaminated land planning guidance webpage.

Planning conditions and environmental searches

It is common place for contaminated land conditions that are attached to a planning permission within our Borough to require an investigation into the contamination status of a site in a phased manner. Therefore, the first port of call is often to undertake a Phase 1 Desktop Study. One of the usual requirements of this is to seek regulatory consultation with the Environmental Health Department. This process would be the same as described above.

Should you wish to make a request for a planning history search or a petroleum search please see the information below: