Archived Financial Reports

Information about the council's finances from earlier years.

Financial performance of the council

Our Annual Financial Report shows the financial performance of the council in previous financial years. It includes the audited Statement of Accounts prepared in accordance with the Code of Practice On Local Authority Accounting in the UK and the Best Value Code of Accounting Practice.

The shorter Summary Accounts show how much money was spent on the services we provide and where that money came from, and it shows what the council owns (its ‘assets’) and what it owes to others (its ‘liabilities’).

Telephone: 01737 276 447


Finance Department
Reigate and Banstead Borough Council
Town Hall
Castlefield Road,

Annual Audit and Inspection

The Annual Audit Letter provides information for councillors about the work of the council's external auditors, together with a summary of the findings from their audit and inspection work.

Read more about the council's Budget (PDF, ModernGov).