Safeguard training

Please read the important information below relevant to your situation

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and adults at risk.

As a taxi or private hire vehicle driver, you may observe incidents that nobody else does - so we believe it is crucial to equip our drivers and operators with the basic skills and knowledge necessary to identify and respond appropriately to safeguarding concerns.

All Surrey Borough Council's now require their drivers to successful complete the Safeguarding Adult and Child Sexual Exploitation online awareness training course. Upon completion you will receive a certificate. The training is provided by Barnardos and the course takes around 30 minutes to complete online.

If you have any technical issues with accessing, logging in or undertaking the training then please email: This is because this is an external website beyond the control of the Council.

Drivers Application Process

As part of the application process all new and existing drivers will have to successfully complete the online awareness training  once before their licence is granted and provide a copy of their certificate to the licensing team either via email,  at a knowledge test or at a document drop in session.  To undertake the training you will need to have access to a unique personal email address and have a method to make an online payment of £15 pounds direct to Barnardos.

To access, pay and complete the Safeguard training please read the instructions below:

Access & Payment Instructions

Complete Safeguarding Adult and Child Sexual Exploitation Training Course Here

Before we can licence you, you will need to provide the licensing team with a copy of your certificate either via email, at a knowledge test or document drop in session. 

You only need to complete the training once. 


Whilst the training is not mandatory for operators,  we encourage operators and their staff who wish to undertake the training to complete the Safeguarding E-Leaning for Taxi Driver Call Handler Staff. If you wish to do so then please follow the new driver information above.

Further Information and Advice

If you have already completed the awareness training with Barnardos, to satisfy the requirements of another Authority e.g Surrey County Council, we will accept this certificate, there is no need to repeat the training.

If you have any technical issues with accessing, logging in or undertaking the training then please email: This is because this is an external website beyond the control of the Council.